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VIP Protection

Security Awareness Briefing

According to our studies we know that 90% of the kidnappings and crimes in Mexico City could be avoided by following simple safety measures.

How to prevent and react to a robbery or an express kidnapping, child theft, risks in public transport, nightclubs and entertaiment?

What security measures we must take to leave home, even while walking on the street?

In VIP Protection we will help to correct these bad habits, will tell you about the precautions that should be taken to significantly reduce these risks, and of course, to generate a strategic plan for the tough times.

vip protection

Risk Analysis

Professional consulting services for the analysis and diagnosis or risks and vulnerabilities to provide security for executives, confidential, valuable recommendatios for preventive, diassuasive and reactive actions in different areas such as: family, social and labor.

The survey and analysis of information comprises:

  • A thorough interview with the executive and family to know its modus vivendi
  • Analysis of common routes and destinations
  • Safety study of residence

Polygraph Examination

The studies are applied by professionals in each field, integrating the results in a report with high value and accuracy, essential for Human Resources and/or direction.

The study is applied in the recruitment process as well as in evaluating the reliability of key executives resulting in the correct selection of more reliable, honest, ethical and productive candidates, minimizing the risks of insecurity.

The Personal Dependability Study is composed of:

  • Interview with Deep Psychological Assessment
  • Socioeconomic Study
  • Medical exam
  • Antidoping test
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Safety is thinking the unthinkable

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