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VIP Protection

Driver Education and Safe Driving for Drivers and Executives

Course designed to promote road safety and reduce accidents on the roads and road traffic regulations implementing the Regulation of Transit and measures established by the company's own safety.

The participant will develop the capacity to prevent and respond always anticipating risk situations that endanger their life, passengers, pedestrians and other drivers.

The theoretical part is taught in VIP Protection facilities or where the customer indicates; for the practical part of the course it is taught experiential way on the streets of Mexico City also using nearby roads.

Evasive Driving Course

This course has benn created for executives, drivers and bodyguards of the company in order to increase their knowledge about the risks and dangers they may face when driving.

During the training they are taught in a practical and experimental manner the ways in which they can respond appropriately with the vehicle by applying the development of common sense and evasive driving situations simulated according to the modus operandi od crime in Mexico city techniques.

vip protection

Executive Protection Seminar

This seminar shows the theoretical practice enviroment executive protection and various issues of knowledge and application as part and: teamwork, legal framework of the security profile and ethics of the security element, surveillance, counter-surveillance, training close order, fitness, intelligence, counter-intelligence, among other.

Intelligence and Investigation Seminar

The objective of this training is to prepare the security force to protect executives and their families in the most effective way by presenting participants with an appropiate philosophy for them to clearly understand the delicate balance between security and protocol.

Besides that you will be provided with information such as: Theory and detailed methods of intelligence, counter-intelligence, internal intelligence, surveillance, counter-surveillance, investigation of espionage and counter-intelligence to be applied in their efforts to protect and thus exert a greater sense of the enviroment criminal who lives daily so that this preventive basis reduce risks and potential threats.

Tactical Evaluation Program for Bodyguards

By applying a series of series of test in the arear of knowledge, physical and psychological fitness, we will have a real diagnosis to determine the training need of the bodyguards, in order to create a program of development and training measures your needs.

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Safety is thinking the unthinkable

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